
On October 30 and 31, 2007 the EAA brought their B-17 "Aluminium
Overcast" to Vero Beach as part of
its national tour. The weather did not cooperate, so
there were no flights, but for 2 days the bomber
was available for walk around and interior tours.
A real flight experience in the B-17 By
Merana Cadorette
"My husband and I enjoyed the rare fortune
of a flight in the B-17 bomber. NOT the 15 minute loop
flight, mind you, but a 45 minute (not including taxiing
time) cruise at 1500 down the I-95 corridor in Florida.
Its who you know, and thankfully, a local chapter friend
called to include us on a couple of the 8 seats. Once
off the ground, we could roam the plane, crawl into
the nose turret (a view of flight similar to maybe...Supermans?)
or sit at many of the other stations (not pilot or co-pilot
of course!). The noise was deafing, as this was a warbird,
not some prissy modern climate and pressure controlled
passenger bus. The poor SOBs who had to ride this through
shrapnel, flack, cold weather and suck on oxygen when
it was cruising 30,000 feet never had it so comfy. I
particularly enjoyed peeking through the gaps around
the belly turret and the bomb bay doors where no seals
or anything else are between you and the ground...breath-taking."

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