
A big Thank You to Vero Beach Municipal Airport
for allowing us to publish their article as it appeared in the "Vero
Beach Flyer", Spring 2004 issue.
Historic B-17 Aircraft Visits Airport
November 4-6, 2003, as the result of efforts by local
Chapter 99 of the Experimental Aircraft Association
(EAA), the Vero Beach Airport received a visit from
the EAA Foundation´s fully restored B-17 aircraft, referred
to as the "Aluminium Overcast". The aircraft,
which was originally delivered to the U.S. Army Corps
on May 18, 1945, was subsequently purchased by a group
of investors and donated to the EAA Aviation Foundation
in 1983. Since that time, a 10 year program of restoration
and preservation was completed by a dedicated group
of staff and volunteers at the EAA Foundation´s Oshkosh,
Wisconsin headquarters. The Aluminium Overcast completed
its first national tour in 1994, and has completed tours
during the spring and fall of each year thereafter.
During 2003, the aircraft visited 32 locations in 16
states before returning to its home in Oshkosh. In addition
to enabling people to discover more about the B-17 bomber,
the tour´s mission hopes to increase awareness of the
EAA and its many programs. Funds generated during the
tours help finance ongoing restoration and maintenance
of the B-17, as well as other historic airplanes in
the EAA Aviation Foundation´s collection. Between 1935
and May of 1945, 12,731 B-17s were produced, and 4,735
were lost during combat missions. Today, fewer than
100 B-17 airframes exist and fewer still are in airworthy
condition. EAA Chapter 99 meets at 7:00pm on the second
Tuesday of each month at the T-hangar complex off
2703 Flight Safety Drive. A "Learn To Fly" Open House is held on
the fourth Saturday of each month at the same location.

Copyright © EAA Chapter 99 - SP - All rights reserved.